Re-milled Timber Flooring
Available in: Jarrah, Karri
Widths: 60mm, 82/84mm, 105mm, 130mm, 165mm
Thickness: 11mm, 12mm, 19mm, 22mm
Lengths: Random length packs
Profiles: Re-milled, smooth both faces – pencil/curved edge, tongue and groove
Prices: from $60 m/2
Re-milled floorboards are new machined floorboards, milled by us from old structural timber. We specialise in direct stick/ overlay flooring.
We occasionally source large sectioned quantities of structural timber that can be re-milled into bespoke architectural products including battens, bench tops, claddings, lining boards, stair treads and traditional plank flooring.
Custom Timber Flooring
We occasionally source large sectioned structural timber that can be re-milled into bespoke architectural products.
If you have a specific project in mind please feel free to run your ideas past us.