Our Story
At the Recycled Timber Company, renovating and recycling is in our blood. As a family of home renovators we’ve always enjoyed making something new out of something old, so when an opportunity to buy a timber business came up in 2012, we jumped at it.
Not long after buying the business, we realised we were doing more than just selling recycled floorboards, we were significantly reducing the amount of waste timber from entering landfill and in a small way lessening the logging demand on our WA forests, by supplying a sustainable timber resource to the building industry.
Twenty years on, were proud of what we’ve achieved in partnership with the demolition industry, builders, architects and environmentally conscious DIYers alike. Together we’ve saved hundreds of thousands of cubic metres of timber from being destroyed, by recycling and giving it a second life in another home, garden or business.

Our Services
We are a family owned and operated timber salvage, recycling and milling business, specialising in West Australian hardwoods.
We salvage hardwood timbers from old homes, churches and factories marked for demolition. We offer professional advice, design solutions and quality recycled timber building products.
We reclaim old timber floorboards for recycling and sub-floor timbers for remilling, to make new commercial and residential renovation products – flooring, decking and cladding. The majority of the timber we recover is the WA Eucalyptus species Jarrah, with smaller quantities of Karri, Marri, Wandoo and Blackbutt available.
The traditional floorboards we reclaim are 19mm thick and often go back into heritage renovations, in addition we remill 11mm direct-stick flooring/batons suiting modern floor constructions onto concrete or plywood. Refer to our Standard Products Pricelist for sizes and pricing.
We pride ourselves on the reputation we have built in the timber supply industry, aiming to provide the highest quality recycled timber products where possible. We freight timber across the Perth metropolitan area, throughout regional WA and interstate.
If you’re a DIYer and need an installer please refer to our Trade Partners list for companies that can assist you with carpentry flooring, sanding and sealing services.

Proud Supplier of Floor Timber

Visit us
Recycled timber can suit both contemporary and traditional styling, however we recognise it’s often hard to visualise what this may look like in your home or renovation. To make these decisions easier we’ve set up a showroom alongside our factory, as a One-Stop shop for inspiration and information. Our gallery section also provides a glimpse of the projects we’ve been involved in.
By visiting our Factory and Showroom you can quickly compare board sizes, timber types and the differences between recycled and re-milled timbers. Drop in and talk to one of our knowledgeable production team members about your project needs, you’ll be surprised by the beauty and character of recycled timber, along with its structural qualities.
Our Showroom and Factory: is located at 12 Clavering Road, Bayswater
We’re open: Monday to Thursday: 7am to 4pm & Friday: 7am – 12pm.

How we do it
We are often get asked how we reclaim and recycle our timbers, here is a quick overview of the process.
On inspection of the building, our salvage team carefully removes the flooring timbers, board by board to ensure the tongue and grooves aren’t damaged. The timber is then sorted, stacked and transported back to our Bayswater factory.
Once the timber is unloaded the nails are carefully removed with a lever to ensure the structural integrity of the board is maintained.
The sub-floor timbers are also denailed, using a little more force!
The floorboards are then sorted into floor lots based on board sizes and timber types. The subflooring/joist timbers are then sent to the metal detector to ensure all nails are removed in preparation for re-milling.
On return from the mill the timber flooring, decking and cladding is fault checked and square end docked ready for dispatch.
While we endeavour to meet all our customer requests and timeframes, please be mindful that we are heavily reliant on the availability of salvage timber, so we ask that you give at least 4-6 weeks lead time for any milled products and larger orders that require a collection period for us to fill.


Metal detecting

